Trying to choose between Tacoma Neighborhoods? We have lots of resources for you as you do your research. We’ve interviewed neighbors in communities from Gig Harbor to Tacoma to Sumner to find out what it’s like living in neighborhoods across Pierce County.
Tacoma Neighborhoods Guide
First check out the clickable neighborhood map. You can research neighborhoods across Pierce County and find out what it’s like living there. The neighborhood guide also shows what the median home price is, pictures of each neighborhood, what the neighbors are saying about living there, and pictures of homes that are typical to that neighborhood. Click here to view Tacoma neighborhoods.
Should I move to Pierce County or Thurston County?
If you’re still at the point in your neighborhood selection process where you’re not sure if Thurston County or Pierce County are right for you, we have some information to help! The biggest difference up front is that Thurston is quite a bit smaller and more rural than Pierce. According to Jana this just means a little bit of a slower pace of life compared to Pierce County. Pierce County has about three times as many people and is about three times as large as Thurston. Thurston County has a population of about 300,000 people and an area of 775 square miles. Pierce County has a population just under 1,000,000 and an area of 1,800 square miles. Both counties have large rural areas where the population is more spread out. For more information about the differences between Thurston and Pierce Counties click here.
Should I move to the Gig Harbor or Tacoma neighborhoods?
Since Gig Harbor and Tacoma are such different neighborhoods, once people have all the information it’s usually pretty easy for them to decide which one they’d like to live in. Gig Harbor is also considerably more expensive than Tacoma (for more affordable options check out the neighborhoods beyond Gig Harbor). This interview with Erin highlights the perspective of someone who has lived in both Gig Harbor AND Tacoma. She gives us a feel for the strengths and weaknesses of each area.
What about the neighborhoods outside of Tacoma?
We have this playlist on our youtube channel full of people talking about what it’s really like living in neighborhoods across Pierce County. We have videos about living in Puyallup, South Hill, Sumner, Spanaway, Gig Harbor, and so much more. You can watch them here:
Additional Resources for Buying a Home in Tacoma:
The Best Neighborhoods in Pierce County, WA
How to Choose the Best Tacoma Real Estate Agent (For you!)
Tacoma’s Most Expensive Neighborhoods
The Most Affordable Neighborhoods in Pierce County
Tacoma’s Most Affordable Neighborhoods
Want to invest in waterfront or water view properties? Check out our post about waterfront and water view neighborhoods in Tacoma.
As experienced investors know, buying and selling investment properties in Tacoma is more complex than regular real estate transactions.
Marguerite has been working in Tacoma real estate for over 18 years, and she knows all the best agents. If you’re looking to buy or sell an investment property in Tacoma she can help connect you to an experienced agent who specializes in the type of investment property you are transacting. Click here to contact Marguerite.